4805 William Hastings Line, Crosshill, Ontario N0B 2M0
Council Present:
  • Mayor Joe Nowak
  • Councillor Shelley Wagner
  • Councillor Lori Sebben
  • Councillor Derek Brick
  • Councillor Claude Hergott
Staff Present:
  • Municipal Clerk, Grace Kosch
  • Chief Administrative Officer, Rik Louwagie
  • Deputy Clerk, Amy Harron
  • Director of Recreation, Danny Roth
  • Fire Chief, Paul Redman
  • Director of Planning, Tim Van Hinte
  • Chief Building Official, Darryl Denny

  • Resolution Number:99
    Moved by:Lori Sebben
    Seconded by:Claude Hergott

    That the following minutes be adopted as presented.

  • Resolution Number:100
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley accept Mark Hergott, Barb Nowak and Beth Schlueter as delegations.


Barb Nowak and Beth Schlueter, Village of Wellesley on behalf of the Wellesley Township Poppy Project. Group is seeking Council permission to decorate the Wellesley Village Library and Township of Wellesley Council Chambers. Mrs. Nowak and Mrs. Schlueter detailed the type of decorating that would be displayed.

  • Resolution Number:101
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley support the initiatives of the Wellesley Township Poppy Project committee to place additional poppy displays at the Wellesley Village Library and the Township of Wellesley Council Chambers as part of the 2024 Poppy Project.

  • Resolution Number:102
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council meeting adjourn to hold a public meeting with respect to Dietrich Drain Branch B (Lorentz).


Mayor Nowak asked Neal Morris, Drainage Engineer, K. Smart Associates to bring forward his report.

Mr. Morris spoke from a powerpoint presentation attach to the August 27, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes. 

Mayor Nowak asked if there are any questions from Council on the report?

Councillor Hergott asked how many names are on the petition?

Mr. Morris responded that there is one name on the petition.

Mayor Nowak asked if there are any ratepayers that wish to question the engineer’s report? Questions are on the report only not on the cost as the cost will be covered in the Court of Revision meeting.

No one came forward

Mayor Nowak asked does the petitioner wish to withdraw their name from the petition?

No one came forward

Mayor Nowak asked if there are any owners present, owning lands within the area requiring drainage and have not signed the petition, who wish to add their names to the petition?

No one came forward.

  • Resolution Number:103
    Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That the public meeting with respect to Dietrich Drain Branch B (Lorentz) adjourn and the Council meeting resume.

  • Resolution Number:104
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That Council rise and go into a Committee of the Whole to receive reports and recommendations.


That the Council of the Township of Wellesley authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contribution agreement with the Province to provide funding to assist the Township in updating its Community Improvement Plan through Rural Economic Development Program. Result - 3 in favour.

Director of Planning, Tim Van Hinte provided background information on the original report from June 2024 and comments provided at that time from the Region of Waterloo. The Region of Waterloo required the applicant to complete a noise study which has been been completed and approved by the Region.

Councillor Wagner asked how the traffic will be impacted by the increased heavy truck traffic?

Director Van Hinte responded that the Region did not have concerns as it is an existing access and and that the owner anticipates one truck per week increase.

  • Resolution Number:105
    Moved by:Derek Brick
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley adopt the Zoning By-law for file ZBA 03-24 to permit an On-Farm Diversified Use (OFDU) at 3363 Ament Line.


Chief Building Official, Darryl Denny stated that the annual report is a requirement of the Building Code Act to show transparency of building fees.

  • Resolution Number:106
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley receive this report for information.


That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve the award of GEI Consultants Contract No. RFT2024-07 to Dozlan Construction on behalf of the Township to replace bridge #2048 on Posey Line at a total project cost of $319,755.40 plus applicable HST, and further

THAT the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve an increase in the capital funds approved through the 2024 budget process for the replacement of bridge #2048 to $350,000 to be funded through the Infrastructure Reserve. Result - 5 in favour

  • Resolution Number:107
    Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley accept the Engineer’s Report dated August 2, 2024, for the Dietrich Drain Branch B (Lorentz) for construction as detailed in the Engineer’s Report; and further

    THAT By-law 31/2024, as attached to the agenda, be given first and second reading to provisionally adopt the Engineer’s Report if the Petition remains valid after consideration of the Engineer’s Report; and further

    THAT the date of the Court of Revision be scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, at 5:00p.m., at the Council Chambers, 4805 William Hastings Line if By-law 31/2024 is provisionally adopted, with the following three members of Council appointed: Councillor Sebben, Councillor Wagner and Councillor Brick.

  • Resolution Number:108
    Moved by:Derek Brick
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley accept the request under Section 78 of the Drainage Act for improvement to the Campbell Drain 1976 and Bast Drain submitted by Alan and Joyce Wagler for the property described as concession 7 east section part lot 11, east side of Greenwood Hill Road, and further;

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley direct staff to forward the Section 78 request to the Grand River Conservation Authority for comment within thirty (30) days of notice.


CAO, Rik Louwagie brought the report forward to Council outlining the requirements of the Joint Health and Safety Committee.

  • Resolution Number:109
    Moved by:Derek Brick
    Seconded by:Claude Hergott

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley adopted the Township of Wellesley Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Terms of Reference as attached to report A. F. & P. 26/2024.


Director of Recreation, Danny Roth detailed the recommended changes to the 2024 fees and charges by-law. 

Councillor Hergott asked how this will effect the bingo rental for the Paradise and District Lions?

Director Roth noted that there is no changes to the bingo event hall rental.

Councillor Hergott asked if the $2 fee for public skating is for both arenas?

Director Roth responded that it is for public skating at both arenas for the Sunday public skating and the parent and tot skating.

  • Resolution Number:110
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve the proposed changes to Schedule "F" of By-law 1/2024.

  • Resolution Number:111
    Moved by:Derek Brick
    Seconded by:Claude Hergott

    That the Committee of the Whole rise and Council resume and report.

  • Resolution Number:112
    Moved by:Lori Sebben
    Seconded by:Shelley Wagner

    That the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted as set forth in the motions and actions detailed above.

  • Resolution Number:113
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Claude Hergott

    That the budget variance reports be adopted as presented.


Councillor Wagner brought forward a concern regarding kite fighting noting the dangers around kite fighting and abandoning the kites on private property.

CAO Louwagie responded that he has been in contact with the Waterloo Regional Police Service for more information on their response to this issue. CAO Louwagie added that he is awaiting a response from the Province to see if there will be a provincial ban on kite fighting and once this information is gathered by staff an update will be provided to Council.

CAO, Rik Louwagie updated Council on some of the items worked on over the summer. The items highlighted include the AMO Conference where CAO Louwagie was a delegate along with other CAO's from the Region of Waterloo, the recruitment process for the Executive Administrator role and the continued work with the Region on the G2G Kissing Bridge Trail.

  • Resolution Number:114
    Moved by:Derek Brick
    Seconded by:Claude Hergott

    That this portion of the meeting be closed to the public in order to consider the following:

    Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act – personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees re: exit interview

  • Resolution Number:115
    Moved by:Lori Sebben
    Seconded by:Shelley Wagner

    That the closed session meeting does now adjourn and the Council Meeting resume.

  • Resolution Number:117
    Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That By-Law No. 31/2024; 32/2024; 33/2024; 34/2024; 35/2024 and 36/2024 pass first and second reading.

  • Resolution Number:118
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That By-law No. 27/2024; 29/2024; 32/2024; 33/2024; 34/2024; 35/2024 and 36/2024 be read a third time and passed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law under the Corporate Seal.

  • Resolution Number:119
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council meeting does now adjourn.

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