4805 William Hastings Line, Crosshill, Ontario N0B 2M0
Council Present:
  • Mayor Joe Nowak
  • Councillor Shelley Wagner
  • Councillor Lori Sebben
  • Councillor Derek Brick
  • Councillor Claude Hergott
Staff Present:
  • Municipal Clerk, Grace Kosch
  • Chief Administrative Officer, Rik Louwagie
  • Deputy Clerk, Amy Harron
  • Director of Public Works, Chris Cook
  • Director of Recreation, Danny Roth

We would like to begin by acknowledging the land on which we gather today is the land traditionally used by the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples. We acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today.

  • Resolution Number:86
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the following minutes be adopted as presented.

  • Resolution Number:87
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley receive Tova Davidson as a delegation.


Sustainable Waterloo Region Executive Director, Tova Davidson spoke to the accomplishments of the organization in 2023. Highlights of the accomplishments include the TravelWise program newly managed by the Region of Waterloo, the progress in three years of the microforest program and Impact Network program assisting corporate partners to reduce emissions.

  • Resolution Number:88
    Moved by:Lori Sebben
    Seconded by:Shelley Wagner

    That the Council meeting adjourn to hold a public meeting with respect to Lebold Drain.


Mayor Nowak asked Curtis MacIntyre, Engineer, K. Smart Associates to bring forward his report.

Drainage Engineer, Curtis MacIntyre provided a summary of the Engineer's Report including information on the 2005 petition submission and the work to be completed.

Mayor Nowak asked if there are questions from Council on the report?

Councillor Hergott asked how many landowners are in the watershed and how many signed the petition?

Mr. MacIntyre responded that there are eight landowners in the watershed with four properties signed on the petition.

Councillor Hergott asked if there is any opposition from the other six landowners?

Mr. MacIntyre noted that he did not receive any opposition from the other six landowners.

Councillor Hergott asked if the crop damage allowance is adjusted based on the season and the crop planted.

Mr. MacIntyre responded that this is standardized through the Drainage Act.

Mayor Nowak asked if there are any ratepayers that wish to question the engineer’s report?

No one came forward.

Mayor Nowak asked are there any petitioners present who would wish to withdraw their name from the petition?

No one came forward.

Mayor Nowak asked are there any owners present, owning lands within the area requiring drainage and have not signed the petition, who wish to add their names to the petition?

No one came forward.

  • Resolution Number:89
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the public meeting regarding Lebold Drain adjourn and the Council meeting resume.

  • Resolution Number:90
    Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That Council rise and go into a Committee of the Whole to receive reports and recommendations.

  • Resolution Number:91
    Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley accept the Engineer’s Report dated May 30,2024, for the Lebold Drain for construction of a new closed drain; and further

    THAT By-law 29/2024, as attached to the agenda, be given first and second reading to provisionally adopt the Report if the Petitions remain valid after consideration of the Report; and further

    THAT the date of the Court of Revision be scheduled for Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, at 5:00p.m., at the Council Chambers, 4805 William Hastings Line if By-law 29/2024 is provisionally adopted, with the following three members of Council appointed: Councillor Wagner, Councillor Brick and Councillor Hergott.

  • Resolution Number:92
    Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That the Committee of the Whole rise and Council resume and report.

  • Resolution Number:93
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted as set forth in the motions and actions detailed above.


Chief Administrative Officer, Rik Louwagie provided an update on activity in the Administration department. CAO, Louwagie noted his planned attendance at the AMO conference in Ottawa where he will be delegating alongside the other Regional Township CAOs, the Director of Corporate Services recruitment progress and the Grand River Transit virtual workshop being hosted this week.

Councillor Wagner read the recommendation aloud.

Councillor Sebben noted that she has spoken with a veterinarian and recommendation of best practice is to microchip.

Councillor Hergott asked if the kennel operator or a veterinarian insert the microchip?

Councillor Wagner responded that a veterinarian would insert the microchip when the puppy is taken in for their first shots. Councillor Wagner added that it is her understanding that some of the kennel operators are inserting the microchips on their own.

Councillor Brick asked if there are other municipalities that require mandatory microchipping?

By-law Enforcement Officer/Animal Control Officer, Mario Teplicki stated that some municipalities have removed the identification requirement and left the decision to the kennel operator.

  • Resolution Number:94
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    Whereas the Township of Wellesley has a total of 25 licensed kennels; 

    And Whereas Section 11 “Kennel Requirements” Subsections 11.1 and 11.2 “Microchipping of Dogs” of the current Township of Wellesley Dog & Kennel By-law 25/2022, references two (2) options for kennel owners to properly identify every dog and puppy for sale in a kennel;

    And Whereas a total of nine (9) kennels within the Township of Wellesley use tattooing as an option for identification;

    And Whereas the procedure for tattooing a dog or puppy may not be done by a registered veterinarian and may be painful without the benefit of anesthesia;

    And Whereas microchipping every dog and puppy in a kennel with a permanent identification that is tamper proof, increases the chances of reunion with owners if a dog is lost or stolen;

    Therefore, let it be resolved, that the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve amending Subsections 11.1 and 11.2 of the Dog & Kennel By-law 25/2022 to remove tattooing as an option for identification for all dogs and puppies in a kennel, and further;

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley allow one year (1) from the date of Council approval for kennel owners to comply with the amendment; and further,

    That Staff at the Township of Wellesley prepare and provide a package to each Kennel owner of the benefits of registering microchipped dogs and puppies with local veterinarians, to be distributed to new pet owners; and further,

    That Section 11.9 of the Dog & Kennel By-law 25/2022 “Information to be Provided Upon Adoption or Sale of a Dog” be amended to include the benefits of registering microchip package.

  • Resolution Number:95
    Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That By-Law No. 29/2024; and 30/2024 be read a first and second time.

  • Resolution Number:96
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That By-Law No. 29/2024; and 30/2024 pass first and second reading.

  • Resolution Number:97
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That By-law No. 30/2024 be read a third time and passed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law under the Corporate Seal.

  • Resolution Number:98
    Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council meeting does now adjourn.

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