Whereas the Township of Wellesley has a total of 25 licensed kennels;
And Whereas Section 11 “Kennel Requirements” Subsections 11.1 and 11.2 “Microchipping of Dogs” of the current Township of Wellesley Dog & Kennel By-law 25/2022, references two (2) options for kennel owners to properly identify every dog and puppy for sale in a kennel;
And Whereas a total of nine (9) kennels within the Township of Wellesley use tattooing as an option for identification;
And Whereas the procedure for tattooing a dog or puppy may not be done by a registered veterinarian and may be painful without the benefit of anesthesia;
And Whereas microchipping every dog and puppy in a kennel with a permanent identification that is tamper proof, increases the chances of reunion with owners if a dog is lost or stolen;
Therefore, let it be resolved, that the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve amending Subsections 11.1 and 11.2 of the Dog & Kennel By-law 25/2022 to remove tattooing as an option for identification for all dogs and puppies in a kennel, and further;
That the Council of the Township of Wellesley allow one year (1) from the date of Council approval for kennel owners to comply with the amendment; and further,
That Staff at the Township of Wellesley prepare and provide a package to each Kennel owner of the benefits of registering microchipped dogs and puppies with local veterinarians, to be distributed to new pet owners; and further,
That Section 11.9 of the Dog & Kennel By-law 25/2022 “Information to be Provided Upon Adoption or Sale of a Dog” be amended to include the benefits of registering microchip package.