Whereas The Public Works department tenders annually for gravel resurfacing for a portion of our gravel road network which includes supply and hauling of granular “A” gravel to various roads throughout the township, and;
Whereas Contract No. 2024-03 for Gravel Resurfacing was tendered with only one (1) bid submission received of $383,635.20, which exceeded the budgeted amount, and;
Whereas Staff believed a better price could be obtained through sourcing the supply of granular “A” and the trucking of that material separately;
Therefore, it be resolved that Contract No. 2024-03 be cancelled, and further;
That Council award Contract No. 2024-05 to Dufferin Aggregates for supply of granular “A” to be used for gravel resurfacing for a cost not to exceed $263,749.20 including the Township’s portion of HST at 1.76%, and further;
That Council award Contract No. 2024-06 to Bre-Haul Trucking Ltd for hauling and spreading Granular “A” material for the gravel resurfacing program for a cost not to exceed $69,054.34 including the Township’s portion of HST at 1.76%;
Therefore, the total cost for the gravel resurfacing program shall not exceed $332,803.54 including the Township’s portion of HST at 1.76%.