4805 William Hastings Line, Crosshill, Ontario N0B 2M0
Council Present:
  • Mayor Joe Nowak
  • Councillor Shelley Wagner
  • Councillor Lori Sebben
  • Councillor Derek Brick
  • Councillor Claude Hergott
Staff Present:
  • Municipal Clerk, Grace Kosch
  • Chief Administrative Officer, Rik Louwagie
  • Deputy Clerk, Amy Harron
  • Director of Public Works, Chris Cook
  • Director of Recreation, Danny Roth
  • Treasurer, Fiona Gilbert
  • Director of Planning, Tim Van Hinte
  • Chief Building Official, Darryl Denny
Recreation Service Board Chairs Present:
  • Fire and Rescue Service Administrator, Courtney Cook

    GIS and Asset Management Technician, Ethan Westbroek

    Interim Treasurer, Jeff Dyck

    Recreation Service Board Chairs Present:

    Linwood Recreation Service Board Chair, Sandi Albrecht (absent)

    Wellesley Recreation Service Board Chair, Jeff Quint (absent)

    Hawkesville Recreation Service Board Chair, Pearl Frey (absent)

    St. Clements Recreation Service Board Chair, vacant (absent)

    Heidelberg Recreation Service Board Chair, vacant (absent)

CAO, Rik Louwagie introduced Interim Treasurer, Jeff Dyck and provided a brief background of Mr. Dyck.

  • Resolution Number:1
    Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley receive Mike Arndt, Peter Simcisko, Mary Lichty-Neeb and Joanne Stewart as delegations.


Mike Arndt, Managing Partner of Graham Mathew Professional Corporation provided the results of the financial audit for the Township. Mr. Arndt noted that the auditors were pleased with the records and internal controls put in place by the Township. Mr. Arndt spoke in detail on line items within the financial statement and concluded that the Township remains in a very stable financial position and able to meet all obligations and carry out all services as required.

Councillor Hergott asked why Section 16 Segmented Information, in 2023 shows an annual surplus of $15 million and in 2022 that section shows $1.19 million.

Mr. Arndt responded that this is due to the significant Provincial funding received for the recreation complex which is reflected as revenue and the corresponding expense is reflected as an asset on the financial statement.

Peter Simcisko, Managing Partner with Watson & Associated Economists Ltd. spoke to a presentation attached to the minutes of the May 28, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting minutes as appendix 'A'. Mr. Simcisko that the the firm was retained to assist with the development of an Asset Management Plan to bring the Township into compliance with Ontario Regulation 588/17. Mr. Simcisko noted that the July 1, 2024 deadline is for completion of an Asset Management Plan for all assets outside of the core infrastructure. Mr. Simcisko added that the July 1, 2025 deadline is in place for municipalities to have proposed levels of service identified for each asset area and a detailed financial strategy for how the lifecycle activities need to be addressed.

Councillor Brick asked why the existing three Wellesley arena facilities are not identified as an asset?

Mr. Simcisko responded that they were included in the replacement cost valuation but not included in the condition assessment.

Mayor Nowak asked if the annual cost to maintain assets is increasing or decreasing?

Mr. Simcisko noted that the next step in the plan is to explore the financial strategy.

Mary Lichty-Neeb presented on behalf of the Wellesley Township Fall Fair board requesting to utilize part of the old arena to host the dairy education program for Grade 3 students in the township. The program is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th, from 9 am to 3 pm. Ms. Lichty-Neeb added that students from Wellesley Public School can easily walk to the program from the school if it were held at the old arena. The dairy education program includes featuring live dairy cows, a dairy farmer, and a veterinarian at the picnic shelter, as done in previous years. Additional stations will be arranged closer to the lobby within the arena.

Mayor Nowak asked if all other fair events will be held at the new recreation complex?

Ms. Lichty-Neeb responded that only the dairy education program will be held at the old recreation facility and all other fair events would be at the new complex.

  • Resolution Number:2
    Moved by:Joe Nowak
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley provide municipal consent to the Wellesley Township Fall Fair to host the 2024 Dairy Education Program at the old Wellesley arena, 1004 Catherine Street, Wellesley.

  • Resolution Number:3
    Moved by:Lori Sebben
    Seconded by:Claude Hergott

    The minutes from the previous Committee of the Whole Meeting be approved as presented.


Hawkesville - Councillor Wagner reported

  • March 23 pancake breakfast
  • April 20 Earth Day clean up
  • April 20 volunteers removed some of the old playground structure
  • New playground is complete and playground is open
  • July 1 Canada Day event
  • August 29 corn roast event

Heidelberg - no report

Linwood - Councillor Sebben reported

  • 20th Anniversary Fun 4 All Celebration, Saturday, June 1st from 2-6p.m. at the Linwood Community Centre

St. Clements - no report

Wellesley - no report

  • The Splash Pad will open tomorrow, our Public Health Inspection is scheduled for 9am.  Once we get the inspection completed in the morning staff will promote the opening on our website and social media. 
  • The St. Clements outdoor washrooms are temporarily closed due to an underground water leak.  The leak has been isolated but we are waiting on our contractor to fix the issue.  Estimated timing is 2 weeks.  We have brought in portable washrooms in the intern. 
  • The work on the players benches at the Bill Gies Recreation Centre have been completed.   
  • Currently we have sold 93 gym memberships.  This number includes 1 month, 6 month and annual memberships as well as family memberships.  We have also sold 20 walking track memberships which includes individual and family memberships. 
  • Starting at the beginning of May we have started to track the amount of foot traffic that enters the Recreation complex each week. April 29-May 9 987 patrons, May 6-14 980 patrons, May 15-21 794 patrons, May 22-28 921 patrons 
  • The window blinds have been installed in the fitness gym and along the walking track, creating more privacy for events in the gymnasium. 
  • New outdoor deck boxes are being placed on each outdoor multi use court in the Township. These boxes will contain pickle ball nets and tennis nets for each court.  They will be there for users to put up and put away after each usage to ensure the court is always ready for the next users.  Pictures will be taken and a will be displayed on social media once they are all finished. 

Councillor Brick asked when the splash pad repairs would take place?

Director Roth replied that the repairs will be completed at the end of the season.

Director of Planning Tim Van Hinte stated that the development that was registered in the 1980's is now moving forward and the easement that was in place for water services will now be brought through Albert Street resulting in the easement no longer being needed. Director Van Hinte noted that the report was reviewed by the Director of Public Works and the Township Engineer.

  • Moved by:Derek Brick
    Seconded by:Shelley Wagner

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign any and all necessary documents for partial transfer release and abandonment of an easement, registered as Instrument No. 728788, related to the ValleyRauss subdivision in the St. Clements Settlement Area.


Ethan Westbroek, GIS and Asset Management Technician noted that the main purpose of the Asset Management Plan is to act as a comprehensive long-term plan for the Townships capital assets. Mr. Westbroek added that having a comprehensive AMP will allow the Township to make informed investment decision and further the plan is correlated to infrastructure funding the Township receives from the province.

  • Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve the Asset Management Plan prepared by Watson and Associates Economists Ltd., and further,

    That the approved Asset Management Plan be forwarded to the Ministry of Infrastructure and posted to the Township website in accordance with O. Reg. 588/17 by July 1, 2024.


Director of Planning, Tim Van Hinte provided a Planning department update noting key projects such as the community risk assessment, comments provided to the province on proposed legislative changes, and the planning applications received for review and processing.

Chief Building Official, Darryl Denny provided a Building department update including the state of permits issued to date.

Director of Public Works, Chris Cook noted maintenance work completed includes maintenance gravel, dust suppressant and roadside lawn mowing. Director Cook also provided an update on the Region of Waterloo Police STEP program, community safety zone signs erected in Paradise Lake, traffic speed study has been completed and will be presented to Council at a coming meeting and the Queens Bush Road reconstruction kick-off meeting will be held at the beginning of June.

Deputy Clerk, Amy Harron stated this report and appointment by-law were prepared to allow for an additional signing authority registered with the province under the vital statistics act to process death, birth and marriage registration.

  • Moved by:Claude Hergott
    Seconded by:Derek Brick

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve by-law 23/2024 for the appointment of Amy Harron as Deputy Division Registrar for the Township of Wellesley.


Deputy Clerk, Amy Harron stated this appointment would be an increased service level to the public to manage the workload of issuing lottery licenses. Annually staff process approximately 10 lottery licenses applications which includes performing a review of eligibility of the applicant, compliance with the AGCO policy manual requirements and ensuring a report is completed by the applicant.

  • Moved by:Lori Sebben
    Seconded by:Shelley Wagner

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve by-law 24/2024 for the appointment of Amy Harron as the Lottery Licensing Officer for the Township of Wellesley.


Treasurer, Fiona Gilbert noted that Mike Arndt presented the financial statements and they will be post to website once ratified at the next Council meeting.

  • Moved by:Derek Brick
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve the 2023 Year End Audited Financial Statements as presented by the Township Auditors, Graham Matthew Professional Corporation.


CAO Rik Louwagie stated the old Wellesley Village arena and community centre were closed when the new recreation complex opened. CAO Louwagie noted that in 2019 Council passed a resolution that the green space at the downtown Wellesley site remain as parkland leaving the area where the buildings sit for potential redevelopment. An anonymous survey was conducted in January of 2024 to allow for public feedback on the potential redevelopment of the land. CAO Louwagie noted that 419 responses were received from the survey which consisted of open-ended questions and future survey questions would be more poignant as options are narrowed down by Council. Staff is recommending moving forward toward the next steps in the process by obtaining quotes to undertake a development feasibility study. Once quotes have been received staff will return to Council for consideration before moving forward with any studies.

Councillor Sebben asked if the old arena land was specifically donated for recreation purposes and if so, was there a length of time set?

CAO Louwagie responded that a portion was donated for recreation use and a portion was donated by a developer. The agreement on title states that the period of time for the land to remain for recreation purposes was 20 years and to grant the fair use of the land for as long as the Township were to own the land. The fair board is in agreement to move the agreement to the new recreation property.

Councillor Brick expressed concerns from the community regarding the online nature of the survey and the lack of notice for the report being brought before Council. Councillor Brick noted that he would like to see more input from the community before engaging a consultant.

CAO Louwagie noted that the survey was available in a paper copy at the Township Office and advertised online and by flyers throughout each settlement area.

Councillor Hergott stated that he has had many people comment that we should sell the land and put the money towards the debt of the new facility.

CAO Louwagie responded that that this is an option the consultant would explore.

Mayor Nowak asked if fall was a realistic timeline to move ahead with a consultant?

Director of Planning Tim Van Hinte responded that fall is a realistic timeline. Director Van Hinte provided Council with a high level process of how working with a consultant to engage the public would result in the most comprehensive options for Council. 

Councillor Wagner noted that many community members may not have access to the online survey and expressed interest in an in person public consultation session.

CAO Louwagie stated that part of the contract with the consultant would be developing a public engagement process narrowed in focus to mixed use development. 

Councillor Brick expressed concern moving forward with the recommendation without further notice provided to the community regarding the report.

CAO Louwagie recommended deferral to a later meeting to allow the public to view the report. CAO Louwagie added that staff can prepare a social media campaign and notice on the website that the report is available to view.

  • Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley defer decision on report A.F. & P. 22/2024 to the June 25, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting, and further,

    That authorize staff to prepare an invitation to bid/request for quotation for consulting services to undertake a development feasibility study for the lands. The study shall include the preparation of site concepts for mixed use development, including a cost benefit analysis for construction and servicing, development and ownership options and a public engagement process.


CAO, Rik Louwagie stated that the Employee Manual is a comprehensive document that outlines the policies and procedures that effect employees.

Councillor Brick asked if this review was done through the HR consultant?

CAO Louwagie responded that the review was done by himself and the HR Consultant and reviewed by the senior management team.

  • Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Claude Hergott

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve the 2024 Township of Wellesley Employee manual and rescind the 2018 Employee Manual

  • Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That this portion of the meeting be closed to the public in order to consider the following:

    Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act: personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees re: recognition of individuals, and

    Section 239(2)(d) of the Municipal Act; labour relations and employee negotiations re: employee relations

  • Moved by:Lori Sebben
    Seconded by:Claude Hergott

    That the closed session meeting adjourn and the Committee of the Whole meeting resume.

  • Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley adjust the salary grid placement for the position as outlined in the report.

  • Moved by:Shelley Wagner
    Seconded by:Lori Sebben

    That the Committee of the Whole meeting does now adjourn.