CAO Rik Louwagie stated the old Wellesley Village arena and community centre were closed when the new recreation complex opened. CAO Louwagie noted that in 2019 Council passed a resolution that the green space at the downtown Wellesley site remain as parkland leaving the area where the buildings sit for potential redevelopment. An anonymous survey was conducted in January of 2024 to allow for public feedback on the potential redevelopment of the land. CAO Louwagie noted that 419 responses were received from the survey which consisted of open-ended questions and future survey questions would be more poignant as options are narrowed down by Council. Staff is recommending moving forward toward the next steps in the process by obtaining quotes to undertake a development feasibility study. Once quotes have been received staff will return to Council for consideration before moving forward with any studies.
Councillor Sebben asked if the old arena land was specifically donated for recreation purposes and if so, was there a length of time set?
CAO Louwagie responded that a portion was donated for recreation use and a portion was donated by a developer. The agreement on title states that the period of time for the land to remain for recreation purposes was 20 years and to grant the fair use of the land for as long as the Township were to own the land. The fair board is in agreement to move the agreement to the new recreation property.
Councillor Brick expressed concerns from the community regarding the online nature of the survey and the lack of notice for the report being brought before Council. Councillor Brick noted that he would like to see more input from the community before engaging a consultant.
CAO Louwagie noted that the survey was available in a paper copy at the Township Office and advertised online and by flyers throughout each settlement area.
Councillor Hergott stated that he has had many people comment that we should sell the land and put the money towards the debt of the new facility.
CAO Louwagie responded that that this is an option the consultant would explore.
Mayor Nowak asked if fall was a realistic timeline to move ahead with a consultant?
Director of Planning Tim Van Hinte responded that fall is a realistic timeline. Director Van Hinte provided Council with a high level process of how working with a consultant to engage the public would result in the most comprehensive options for Council.
Councillor Wagner noted that many community members may not have access to the online survey and expressed interest in an in person public consultation session.
CAO Louwagie stated that part of the contract with the consultant would be developing a public engagement process narrowed in focus to mixed use development.
Councillor Brick expressed concern moving forward with the recommendation without further notice provided to the community regarding the report.
CAO Louwagie recommended deferral to a later meeting to allow the public to view the report. CAO Louwagie added that staff can prepare a social media campaign and notice on the website that the report is available to view.