4805 William Hastings Line, Crosshill, Ontario N0B 2M0

This meeting will be held in-person and electronically in accordance with Section 238 (3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Subscribe to the Township of Wellesley YouTube Channel to watch the livestream or to view the recording after the meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    That this portion of the meeting be closed to the public in order to consider the following:

    Section 239(2)(d) of the Municipal Act – labour relations or employee negotiations - union negotiations

  • Recommendation:

    That the closed session meeting adjourn and the Council meeting resume.

We would like to begin by acknowledging the land on which we gather today is the land traditionally used by the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Chonnonton people. We acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today.

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council meeting adjourn to hold a public meeting with respect to the 2025 Draft Budget, followed by a public meeting with respect to Zoning By-law Amendment 06/24.

  • Recommendation:

    That the public meeting with respect to the 2025 Draft Budget and the Zoning By-law Amendment 06/24 adjourn and the Council meeting resume.

  • Recommendation:

    That Council rise and go into a Committee of the Whole to receive reports and recommendations.

Chair: Claude Hergott

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley receive the information from the public meeting and refer the information to staff for consideration.

Chair: Lori Sebben

Chair: Shelley Wagner

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley appoint K. Smart Associates Limited to prepare a report, in accordance with Section 8 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990 for the Section 4 Petition for Drainage Works by Owners submitted by Gordon Erb on behalf of Kingwood Holsteins Ltd.

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley appoint the following member to the Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC) for a 4-year term, or until a successor is appointed ending December 31, 2028:

    • David Fish, Township of Wellesley
  • Recommendation:

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve revisions to Administration Policy #29 titled Exit Interview Policy as outlined in this report and attachment.

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley approve the 2025 proposed operating and capital budgets which provides for a 3.938% total tax levy increase of $294,116 after growth which is inclusive of a 0.75% greening levy and a 1% infrastructure levy; and further

    That the Council of the Township of Wellesley hear three readings of By-law 2/2025.

Chair: Derek Brick

  • Recommendation:

    That the Committee of the Whole rise and Council resume and report.

  • Recommendation:

    That the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted as set forth in the motions and actions detailed above.

Councillor Wagner - Recreation

Councillor Hergott - Road & Bridge

Councillor Sebben - Property & Fire

Councillor Brick - Planning & Development

Whereas the Linwood Lions Club has been an active participant in the community for over 25 years including through the Building Fundraising Committee/Linwood Lions Club for the construction of a new Linwood Community Centre in the early 2000’s;

Whereas the Linwood Lions Club successfully fulfilled their commitment to raise more than $800,000.00 towards the construction of a new Linwood Community Centre in the early 2000’s;

Whereas the Linwood Lions Club has been meeting semi-monthly for over 25 years with semi-monthly meetings predating the existing Linwood Community Centre;

Whereas the Township of Wellesley Affiliation Policy 2024 permits one meeting per month for Service Clubs;

Whereas permitted in the Affiliation Policy the Linwood Lions Club would be eligible for a 35% facility rental reduction for their second monthly meeting, small hall daily rental excluding the kitchen, for a 2025 fee of $143.23 + HST;

Whereas the Linwood Lion Club has expressed the need to meet on semi-monthly basis to continue the services they provide for the community;

Therefore be it resolved that the Linwood Lions Club be permitted to meet on a semi-monthly basis in the small hall, excluding the kitchen, of the Linwood Community Centre of the first and third Wednesday of each month, to be booked through the Recreation Facilities Scheduling Administrator.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-Law No. 1/2025; 2/2025; 3/2025; and 4/2025 be read a first and second time.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law No. 1/2025; 2/2025; 3/2025; and 4/2025 be read a third time and passed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law under the Corporate Seal.

Committee of the Whole Meeting January 28, 2025 5:45 pm
Council Meeting February 11, 2025 6:45 pm
Committee of the Whole Meeting February 25, 2025 5:45 pm

  • Recommendation:

    That the Council meeting does now adjourn.